It’s been a minute since our last webinar.  Things have been getting busy between the fall and upcoming AOFAS meeting.
Last month we took on FAQ from reps to surgeons.  This turned into a two part episode.  Part 1 consisted of questions around implants.  
Part 2 centered on approaching surgeons effectively, resources to improve your craft and surgeon pet peeves.  
In this newsletter, I’ve included a list of questions that we covered AND my list of social media accounts to follow for valuable insight into orthopaedic surgery.  
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Here is a break-down of the questions.  (with timestamps)
1.   Do you use what you use because of the technology,rep/service, or something else? (1:00)
2.    What are 3 characteristics that make a great rep– (4:30)
3.    I’m new to the industry and looking to make an impact. I’m constantly studying and learning, but my knowledge base and experience limits the value I can provide in the OR. What are some ways that I can provide value to the staff/surgeon and also develop a relationship of trust with staff/surgeon? 7:15
4.    What’s the most annoying thing that reps do: (12:55)
5.    How and When to introduce a new product? (16:20)
6.    Best books or resources for reps? (19:00)
7.    Feelings on multiple reps in the room? (21:20)
One of the questions centered around finding resources to learn about orthopaedic surgery.   Social media can be such a great tool for learning, but you have to know where to look.  I went thru some of my favorite accounts (across a few platforms) that I have found to be reliable and valuable resources.  Enjoy!

Lyndon Mason – Lots of great foot and ankle content, but has great content on how to approach posterior malleolar fratures.  Has a unique ability to simplify complex topics.    On LinkedIn and Twitter.

Edward Oates – Mostly on Twitter.  Covers a lot of trauma, really breaking down things to first order principles of biomechanics.  Great insight, starting some cool stuff using AI.  On LinkedIn and Twitter.

Dave Bennett – Peds Orthopedist, lots of valuable insight on case prep, AI and 3D printing.  Most active on Twitter/X but also on LinkedIn.

Thomas McDonald on LinkedIn.  Witty commentary and insightful approaches to foot and ankle surgery.  He has a unique ability to breakdown complex cases into language and real life examples that anyone can understand.

@InvictaOrtho on Twitter/X.  Excellent teaching points covering all things trauma.  Insightful commentary.  Reliable information.  Lots of great intraop technique pearls.

Instagram:  There are several good accounts on this platform , but I’ve learned the most from:
@Ankl_man – Anish Kadakia.  If you like fast cars and case breakdowns, this account is for you.  All foot and ankle.  Excellent discussion on intraop decision making and a few pics of Aston Martins.
@Orthopaedic_trauma is all trauma but a masterclass in Orthopaedic Trauma management.  You can probably find any case you might want to reference in the log of cases along with insightful discussion.

Of course, don’t forget Jan Szatkowski (on LinkedIn and Twitter).  Always asking insightful questions across multiple platforms.  

I know there are many many more accounts but here are a few that can get you started.  I’m sure there are many more that can provide value.   Do you have accounts that you find valuable?  Feel free to share!